Joint Sealing Equipments Manual and Automatic Sealers
The ELIA PERONI'S ROAD JOINT SEALERS are special machines for founding and melting paving products, such as elastomerized modified bitumen, adhesives and mastics, dedicated to seal the cracks on the road surface, to protect it from water infiltration or other external agents, preventing the breakage of the lower thickness of asphalt and the formation of dangerous potholes or alligator cracks, extending the time of a new asphalt paving and increasing the roadway safety.
MINIMELTERMMT4 is the ideal answer for small needs of joint sealing, easy use and economy. Semindirectheating system a powerful gas LPG burner, for heating and founding the material inside the founding vane. Manualmixer, To mix the melt the material inside the machine for an easy discharge, maintenance and cleaning. LoLaterar sealant skid manual controlled by the rudder of the MINIMELTERMMT4, distributes the material into the road joint, faithfully following the joint shape very quickly. The work with our sealers like the MINIMELTERMMT4 is helped by special EliaPeroni equipments for working and preparing the road for sealing, as the MOTORBLOWERMTS for road cleaning, and the HOT MOTORBLOWERMRD for a careful cleaning and drying of the joints with high temperature air. CAPACITY OF 40 LITERS
ROAD SEALERS SSC are built with Crafco° technology, offering a range of machines for solving in a simple, inexpensive and durable way, all the problems concerning the sealing of cracks in the road pavement. Indirect heating system with thermal oil, with automatic gas LPG or diesel burners, electronically controlled by digital termostats for sealing products tempearture, thermal oil and spraying pipes. Innovative hydraulic system for mixing and pumping the sealant, "on-demand”, to eliminate the problems concerning maintenance and cleaning of machine and pipes, reducing the moving parts and pumping the sealant, with the manual lance, only when is required by the operator, directly by the electric control located on it, and controlling the automatic cleaning system of pipes. The ROAD SEALER SSC has all the sealant pipes heated to eliminate the problem of pipes cleaning and to ensure the full efficiency of the machine at any time, various models of spraying nozzles can be used both to seal the cracks, for the improofing with bitumen and to prepare the expansion joints on bridges. All ROAD SEALER SSC are available in skid mount standard version, and in optons in SSC-W towing version, also with self propelled sytem, for easy and simple handling of the machine on the working site.
OPTIONALS: Air compressed system – Hydraulic traction on SSC-W towing version.
Joint Sealing Equipments - Manual and Automatic Sealers - Dati in Evidenza